We all have one and many of us are blessed to be one, so as mother’s day approaches this weekend, I send blessings and gratitude to all women.  Being a mom is one of the most challenging gifts of my life and I know I am only as strong as the women that have come before me and the women I surround myself with.  So today I recognize all women who have been called to love and nurture.  Thank you for sharing your gifts, being who you are and doing all you do to bring love into the world.

We all have been nurtured and loved in some way by our birth mothers, adoptive moms (those that have chosen us as well as some we have chosen along the way), step-mothers, mothers-in-law, sisters, aunts, cousins, girlfriends and mentors.  Over the next few days I invite you to join me in a brief Mother’s Day mindful meditation.  How?

  • First sit quietly for a few moments, pay attention to your breath for 3 easy inhales and exhales.
  • Next call to mind those women who have supported, encouraged, inspired, taught, comforted, and loved you.
  • Then focus on taking in the love by placing your hand on your heart. Feel the love and let it wash over you for as long as you need.
  • Shift to expressing your gratitude and sending love back to them. Say thank you for gifting me.
  • Lastly close by repeating the following statement 3 times—
    • “I continue to welcome the gifts of love into my life as I bless others by fully loving.” 

Also for those of you who will get the opportunity to hug your moms this mother’s day weekend or soon….do it full on!  Connect your hearts, feel her warmth, breathe in her scent, enjoy the moment!  Then look her in the eyes, thank her and tell her you love her!   If I close my eyes, I can still feel some of those hugs and I am grateful…at some point the memory is all we have, make a really good one!

For those of you who will have the blessing of a phone call this Sunday…savor it! Listen to her voice, say the things you need to say, ask her the questions about her youth, dating your dad, her parents, grandparents, hopes, dreams, worries or anything that you don’t know and want to know about! Hear what’s in her heart!  We live under the pretense that we will have the time to talk later….a lot of those questions come to mind now that I can’t ask.

For those like me who will feel the large hole in our hearts this weekend because our moms are no longer here, my prayers are with you. I hope you find a way to honor your mom and yourself (we carry them with us, always) that brings you much love, peace and joy.

May the many blessings you give to others be returned to you in abundance on this Mother’s Day!

Take good care,


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