
It is my belief that each person that enters my office is unique with an extraordinary story to tell. My practice specializes in providing individual counseling and psychotherapy for women and teen girls. My therapeutic style is warm, supportive, interactive and wholehearted. I am committed to providing a safe space for clients to trust, learn, heal and grow.

“There are only two days in the year that nothing can be done. One is called yesterday and the other is called tomorrow, so today is the right day to love, believe, do and mostly live.”   ~Dalai Lama


Begin now to overcome:


  • Are you living in a constant state of worry, unease or fear?


  • Are you feeling depleted, sad, disconnected or like you are just going through the motions?

Grief & Loss

  • Are you struggling to deal with the overwhelming pain that accompanies losing someone you love?


  • Are you overwhelmed and needing support to learn new strategies to thrive instead of merely survive?

Sandwich Generation Conflict

  • Are you struggling to raise your children and take care of your aging parents?

Physical Illness

  • Are you dealing with the psychological and emotional effects of managing a physical illness?

Life Transition

  • Are you struggling to adjust to a major life change, feeling stuck, having difficulty functioning and dealing with your feelings?
  • Especially during a relationship transition, a move, a school or career change, empty nest or menopause?

Self-esteem & body image issues

  • Are you lacking confidence, feeling insecure, hating yourself and not feeling comfortable in your own skin?

Repeating Unhealthy Patterns

  • Do you need help dealing with the past to change the present?


  • Are you trapped in the self-defeating pattern of expecting perfection, feeling inadequate, beating yourself up and procrastinating?

Additional issues addressed with Tween/Teen & Young Adult clients:


  • Are you struggling to be successful in your school work?


  • Are you having trouble making sense of difficulties with your friends, dating and family relationships?

Gender role & sexual identity

  • Are you confused by what you feel and the messages from the world around you regarding sexuality?


  • Do you need help managing the stress and navigating the college search/admissions process?
  • Do you need help working on the skills & confidence to make the transition to college/living on your own more successful?


  • Do you feel panicked at the thought of “now what?”


If you answered yes to any of the above questions, I can help!

My approach to therapy is holistic….focusing on body, mind and spirit.

I help women and teen girls:

  • build upon their strengths
  • gain insight, fresh perspectives & new ways of thinking
  • learn new skills & strategies to handle life’s challenges
  • heal emotional pain
  • fully realize their potential

I draw upon a number of different theories, perspectives and techniques including strengths-based theory, positive psychology, cognitive behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy, humanistic psychology, solution-focused therapy, Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)/Tapping, mindfulness and meditation.



“Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.”     ~Christian D. Larsen

5490 McGinnis Village Place #205
Alpharetta, GA 30005

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